System Integration

System Integration in Electronics Area (Fukumoto Laboratory)

Today’s mobile computers outperform the best computers 10 years ago. Mobile phones have evolved from a voice communication device to a portable digital communication device. However, humans outperform current digital devices when it comes to processing and recognizing video data. Thus, mobile computers must evolve until their processing capacity surpasses that of humans. Our educational and research program covers the design of functions required to create microsystems (such as electronic devices, micromachines, and infinitesimal sensors), microprocessing, intelligent sensing and control, and evaluation and reliability of systems. Our goal is to create a palm-size mobile computer with a processing capacity comparable to the human brain.

Professor :
Shinji Fukumoto

Assistant Professor :
Michiya Matsushima

Research Topics
  • Research on the creation of 3D electronic circuits by additive manufacturing
  • Research on metal-metal joining by solid-liquid diffusion bonding
  • Research on electronic device packaging based on self-organization phenomena
  • Research on the properties of resin joints in resin packaging processes
  • Research on electrically conductive adhesives made of low-melting-point metals
  • Research on the mechanical reliability of electronic device packaging
  • Research on visual-information based robot soldering
  • Construction of an AI autonomous learning inspection system

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  • 21st Century COE Program
  • Osaka University
  • School / Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University